C&Q04,5 - Dark Paradise Page 8
"Like I said, I don't think it was him. He got on with Zara the most out of all of them. She encouraged him, said he was out now, he might as well live the life he always wanted to. But they did have a fight just before she died. Apparently she'd told Jerome she would introduce him to the right people back in Sydney, get him into the club scene or whatever. Then Jerome overheard Zara telling Lucas she'd do no such thing, she was just trying to build his confidence while they were here. Back home, she had no intention of having anything to do with him. Same as with Ivy. As you can imagine, poor Jerome didn't take it too well."
"Did he threaten her?" asked Nora.
"No. By all accounts he went to his room and sulked. But maybe he came up with a plan to get rid of her, so he wouldn't have to suffer the humiliation of being dumped back home, so to speak."
"Thought you didn't think it was him," said Zach.
"He's not top of my list. But now that I think about it, no-one really is. We shouldn't rule him out."
Quinn nodded. "Jerome's not a big guy. Not terribly confident, either. He'd be someone who'd need to drug her to subdue her before he attempted to suffocate her, I'd reckon."
"Okay," said Cooper. He pointed to the sheet of paper. "Make a note. Who's left? Oh that's right. Martha."
"You can't think Martha had anything to do with it," said Quinn once he'd finished writing. "She's their den-mother."
"So? Are you telling me mothers don't kill?"
"No, of course not. But they don't often kill their young. I think Martha's a long-shot in this one, boss."
"Yeah, you're right." Cooper stood and started to pace, as much as he could in this room jam-packed with technical equipment. "Still, she wasn't a fan of Zara's either."
"Sounds like Zara didn't have many friends, Coop," said Nora. "Did you consider the possibility two or more of the contestants got together on this one?"
Cooper stopped pacing and turned to face Nora. "What? Like some sort of group therapy gone to extremes?"
Nora shrugged. "I know it's a bit out there, but they've spent nine weeks isolated out here. No television, no Internet, aware the country is watching them but no idea how they're being received. That would do strange things to a person. Everything would be heightened. If Zara pissed them all off, one by one, maybe they all decided enough was enough. With the added bonuses of extra ratings, and one less person to compete with for the prize-money."
Cooper resumed his pacing. It certainly was 'out there' in terms of a theory, but maybe not one that should be dismissed straight away. He had been finding it odd that a person could be murdered in her bed, and five others sleeping nearby never heard a thing. Could they all be lying?
Quinn wrote the word 'collaboration' at the bottom of the page, followed by a question mark. Didn't seem outside the realms of possibility to his partner then, either. Cooper pushed it to the back of his mind.
"That's all the contestants," he said, resuming his seat in their little circle. "Who else have we got?"
"As far as the crew goes, most of them left the island Saturday morning," said Quinn. "So that leaves us with Maeve Singer, Kyle Aren, Johnny and Steve, Rebecca the sound engineer, and our mate Brandon." Quinn checked his watch. "How far away is that coffee shop?"
Cooper shrugged. "He'll be back. What are your thoughts on those six names?"
"We've got the same issue as we do with the contestants – they all said they were in bed fast asleep at the time of the murder. Johnny and Steve share a room, but the rest are all in singles. Any one of them could have snuck out and walked over to the house, and we have no way of knowing."
"No security cameras here at the resort?" asked Cooper.
"No. I spoke to the manager. He said they've been meaning to get them installed, but it's not a priority. Not much crime on the island, apparently."
"Of course not." Cooper sighed. "We're not getting anywhere looking at opportunity, and motive isn't helping us much, either. What about means?"
"We've got the drugs found in Zara's system, and the results of our visit to the chemist," suggested Quinn.
"What'd you find out at the chemist?" asked Zach.
The door opened before Cooper could answer, and Brandon came in loaded down with a tray of coffees and a bag of something greasy. "They threw in some pastries for you," he said, setting it all down on a small side table. "They've been really good to us over there," he added, sounding like it was one thing he was going to miss about the small town.
Cooper thanked Brandon for the coffee and food, before picking up the paper cup with 'C' written on the lid and taking a sip. Not bad. He turned to Zach and Nora, who were busy fishing pastries out of the bag. "You pair keep working on the recordings, starting with that back balcony camera on Saturday night. See if you can catch a break. Joe and I will follow up on what we were just talking about. We'll meet you back here tonight." He reached into the greasy paper bag and grabbed a pastry for himself, acknowledging Brandon again with a nod. "Don't take any crap from these two," he said.
"I won't."
There were still a few camera crews outside the island's police station when Cooper and Quinn returned. Fit-looking men hoisted cameras onto their shoulders as they watched the detectives approach, but Cooper just plastered a no-nonsense look on his face and barged through. Quinn closed the door behind them with an equally menacing 'don't mess with us right now' face. It worked; they weren't asked a single question.
"How many are out at the house?" Cooper asked Sergeant Adams, who was sitting at one of the desks back from the counter.
"At least twice that many," Adams said, pointing to the crowd outside. "I've established a perimeter, but I don't know how long it will hold. There's only so much a few rows of crime scene tape can do. Is there any chance we can get some more help out here? Maybe a few extra uniforms until we solve this thing?"
Cooper had had the same thought when the journalists arrived, and had already spoken to Munro. "Reinforcements are on their way, Garry. Should be here first thing tomorrow."
Adams nodded his relief. "Great. I'm just about to get back out there now."
"Can we have a word before you go?" asked Cooper. He swivelled a chair around from the adjacent desk and took a seat in front of Adams. As there was only the three of them in the station, there was no need to retire to the office. Quinn stood leaning against the front desk, his bulk blocking the view of the other two from the cameramen outside.
"What's up?" asked Adams.
"The autopsy revealed some drugs in Zara's system. Belladonna alkaloids, more commonly known as deadly nightshade."
"Isn't that poison?" asked Adams. Cooper didn't miss the genuine surprise on his face.
"Yes, it's poison. But the amount found in her system was only enough to subdue her, not enough to kill her."
"So you're saying someone drugged her to keep her from struggling, then suffocated her?"
"That's our current theory, yes."
"Where would they have got this deadly nightshade poison from?" asked Adams.
Cooper rolled his chair closer. "That's what we'd like to ask you. According to the local pharmacist you're currently taking a prescription medication called Donnatal, is that correct?" He watched closely as Adams's head almost imperceptibly moved back a fraction.
"I am, but what's that got to do with anything?"
Cooper consulted his notebook to make sure he got the names right. "The belladonna alkaloids found in Zara's system were scopolamine, hyoscyamine, and atropine. These same chemicals are a key ingredient in Donnatal. Further, you are the only person on the island with a current prescription for Donnatal."
Sergeant Adams's eyes widened, and he struggled to remain calm. "That doesn't mean I drugged her. What other prescription drugs contain those chemicals?"
"We're not aware of any others, at this stage," said Cooper. "Doctor Byrnes, the forensic pathologist on Zara's case, is still researching."
"So you're accusing me without having all the facts?"
"I'm not accusing you of anything. I'm following up on a lead. You know how this works."
Adams let out a long sigh. "I get it," he said, although he was clearly unhappy about it. "But I can assure you I had nothing to do with Zara King's death. I didn't drug her, and I most certainly didn't suffocate her. I was nowhere near that house on Saturday night."
"Where were you, then? At home?" Adams squirmed in his seat, avoiding eye contact. Cooper pressed on. "If I go and ask your wife, will she tell me you were home between midnight and four am Sunday morning?"
"No. She'll tell you I was here, working late."
"And were you?"
Garry Adams locked eyes with Cooper and held his gaze for a long time. "No," he said finally.
"Where were you?"
"At the resort. Room 228. I wasn't alone."
It all clicked into place for Cooper. Adams didn't kill Zara, but he was doing something he wasn't supposed to. Cooper could guess who it was with.
"When I check, I'm going to find that's Maeve Singer's room, aren't I?"
Adams nodded, his face resigned. Cooper thought he actually looked relieved to be telling the truth.
"How long?" Cooper asked.
"About a month. We flirted at first. I'm not proud of it. I love my wife, Detective. I really do. But it's just so bloody isolating out here. The same people, the same problems, all the time. The tourists mix it up a little, but they're usually gone in a week then next batch arrive. It's beautiful, the island, but it's also the most boring place on the planet."
"So why stay here?" asked Quinn, who'd been a silent observer until now.
"My wife's family has been here for generations. She won't leave. Like I said, I love her. I don't want to leave her. God if she finds out about this… please, you can't tell her."
Cooper studied the pleading eyes of Sergeant Garry Adams, the stand-up copper of Lord Howe Island who'd just admitted to cheating on his wife. Cooper had seen it so many times, but for some reason this one disappointed him more than most.
"We'll talk to Maeve Singer, confirm your alibi. The rest is up to you. Is there any chance someone else could have got hold of your medication?"
Adams looked relieved. "I doubt it," he said. "No-one other than my wife and the pharmacist even knows I'm taking it. It's for irritable bowel syndrome – not something I really broadcast."
Cooper nodded. "Okay. I'd still like you to check, let me know if you think any could be missing. From what Garrett told us, whoever did this would have needed more than a couple of tablets to sedate Zara."
"I'll call in at home on my way to the house and check the bottle," said Adams. He put his computer to sleep and stood. "Is that all you want from me?"
"For now." Cooper stood as well.
When Adams had left, Cooper let out a long sigh.
"You believe him, boss?" asked Quinn.
"Don't you? He has no motive, no reason to kill Zara."
"Unless she threatened to expose his affair."
"There's always that, I suppose. But no, I don't think he'd resort to murder. He's an adulterer who's pissed off with small-town life, but he's not an idiot. We'll confirm with Maeve, but I don't think Garry Adams is our guy."
Quinn nodded. "Fair enough. Doesn't mean I have to like him, though."
"No, it does not."
Cooper and Quinn spent the rest of the afternoon following up on smaller issues and checking alibis for everyone they'd interviewed so far. They caught up with Maeve Singer, who after a few moments of strenuous denial, caved and admitted she'd been having an affair with Sergeant Adams. She, too, professed that she wasn't proud of it, but it was just sex. She confirmed they were together at the time of Zara's murder, and Cooper believed her story.
It was getting close to dinner time when they went in search of Zach and Nora, and Cooper's stomach was grumbling. He might have to try those lamb shanks tonight. Bugger the diet.
The technicians were still in the makeshift editing room, but Brandon was nowhere to be seen. Gone to get his own dinner, apparently.
"Come on, you two. Let's eat. I'm starving. We can come back and all do a few hours in here after dinner."
Zach swivelled his chair around, and Cooper saw the grin on his face for the first time.
"Got something you might want to see first, Coop." He pulled another chair close and motioned for Cooper to sit. Quinn hovered behind while Zach set up the footage. Cooper recognised the camera angle – it was the sole camera on the balcony at the Transformation in Paradise share-house, the one trained on the large table.
"This was shortly before ten pm on Thursday night," said Zach. "Two nights before Zara's death." He'd been fast forwarding, and something flashed by in the corner of the screen. "There it is." Zach backed up and then ran it again, this time on normal speed.
Cooper watched as an arm and shirt sleeve graced the screen, then went out of shot again. If you blinked, you'd miss it. "Can you slow it down?" he asked.
Zach did so, and this time he got a clear view of what was definitely a man's arm in a short sleeve shirt.
"Why is it black and white?" asked Cooper. "I thought this camera was there to record the contestants for the show. Surely they record in colour?"
"Yes, but it was night-time. The lights are all out, so the camera records in a night-vision format."
Cooper nodded his understanding. He watched as Zach played it again. It may have been in black and white, but there was a distinctive pattern on the sleeve they might be able to match, if they could find the shirt.
"Good work, Zach. Can you print this out for me?"
"Already done." Zach reached over to a nearby printer and grabbed a piece of paper, which he handed to Cooper. "It's grainy, but the pattern is clear enough."
"Can you run it on the screen again for me?" Cooper asked.
"Sure." Zach did as he was asked, and Cooper watched closely.
"This is someone entering the house, not leaving," he said. He looked up at Quinn, who was peering over his shoulder. "Do you agree?"
"Definitely. Was there anything before or after this?" Quinn asked Zach.
Zach's face beamed again. "I thought you'd never ask." He cued up the next section of the tape, and they all watched intently as the same shirt sleeve exits the building. This time, the man is not alone.
"That looks like Zara," said Cooper, although he couldn't be sure. The second arm was bare, no identifying clothing to go with it.
"Looks female," said Quinn. "That's all we can say for sure, though. We going to ask the other contestants?"
Cooper studied the screen, where Zach had paused the image of the bare arm. "Tomorrow," he said. "Let's check with Maeve Singer tonight. See if she knows who these arms might belong to." He turned back to Zach. "I'm guessing you printed this one out for us, too?"
Zach nodded, and pointed to the printer. Cooper grabbed the printout then stood. "Come on, all of you. Let's eat before the kitchen closes."
They ate a quick but satisfying meal in the dining room, and were joined just as they were finishing up by Maeve and Rebecca, the sound engineer. Cooper was the only one who hadn't met Rebecca, so introductions were made and coffee was purchased. Rebecca seemed quite young to Cooper, but then so did most of the people he'd met in connection with this show.
"Makes it easier for them to be away from home for long periods of time," said Maeve, when Cooper questioned her about it. "They don't have families to take care of, haven't got bogged down by life yet. This is an exciting adventure to young people. To me, it's nine weeks away from my husband and kids." Her eyes slid to her lap as she said this, and Cooper got the feeling Garry Adams wouldn't be getting much more attention from Maeve Singer. Their affair was done.
Cooper gave Quinn a subtle nod in Rebecca's direction, and his partner took the hint. He asked Rebecca to accompany himself, Zach, and Nora back to the editing room, as he had a question about the sound on some of the footage they'd reviewed earl
ier in the day. Rebecca was happy to help, and the four of them went off leaving Cooper alone with Maeve.
"That was subtle," said Maeve, taking a sip of her drink.
"Sorry. Rebecca's been cleared as a suspect, but I do have something to ask that might be best kept between us at the moment."
"No problem. I'm sure she understands. What is it?"
Cooper took the printed photos from his pocket and unfolded them. He tried to flatten out the creases as he placed them on the table in front of Maeve. "Do you recognise either of the people in these photos?" he asked.
"They're just arms," said Maeve. "Where were these taken?"
"They're from the camera on the balcony at the house. The camera is trained on the table, but it caught this movement on the edge of its field. I was hoping you might be able to identify one or both of the arms."
Maeve looked closely again. "Is this the night of the murder?"
"No, it's from Thursday. About ten pm. Do you know who it is?"
She nodded, and handed the pictures back to him. "I'm pretty sure the girl is Zara. The other one, I recognise the shirt. I told him not to wear it on camera, it's hideous."
"Kyle Aren, the host. That's definitely his shirt."
"Does he have any reason to be at the house at that hour?"
Maeve shook her head. "No. He's only supposed to interact with the contestants during filming hours. The latest we ever film is nine, if we've got some kind of night-time activity going on. It's in their contracts – their time is their own after nine pm every night. Kyle shouldn't be anywhere near the house at ten."
Cooper pulled out his notebook and flicked through the pages, back to his interview with Ivy Lennox this morning. "Shit," he said, reading back over his notes. "Ivy said she thought Zara might have been sneaking out at night. I didn't give it much weight. I guess I was wrong."
"It's hard to take anything Ivy says seriously, not without independent corroboration," said Maeve. "She's a great singer, but she's also a very good liar."
"That's what Martha told us," said Cooper. He looked at his watch. It was creeping close to ten pm. "I'll go talk to Ivy again first thing in the morning. The other contestants as well, before we confront Kyle."